Atleast 5 people die in latest shipwreck off Libya

Some 100 people had been travelling for about two days on a dinghy that collapsed in international waters off Libya, Open Arms says. People at sea waiting to be rescued by Spanish search and rescue ship Open Arms during a search and rescue operation in the Mediterranean Sea, November 11, 2020. At least five people have died in the latest shipwreck in the central Mediterranean, a rescue charity has said, warning that the number of deaths could grow as rescue operations continue. Some 100 people had been travelling for about two days on a dinghy that collapsed in international waters off Libya where it was assisted by Open Arms, the Spanish NGO said on wednesday. It said it was carrying out the rescue operation on its own, with just two speedboats and six rescuers. “That’s what happens when you leave people at sea for days,” Open Arms wrote on Twitter. The group said the bodies of all five people had been recovered, while medical teams on the ship were tending to the “most serious cases”...